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Community Feedback

We love to hear your feedback. Your suggestions and ideas are important to us. Our feedback forum is a great place to post your ideas and vote on others. Please share your detailed use case and how the proposed enhancements can increase value to your business. We do read all of your posts, but may not be able to respond to all comments.

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FEATURED Ability to select more than one option in the job filters
It would be good to be able to select more than one option when using the filter criteria in the Manage Jobs tab.
FEATURED Convo - add to Offer Card
Add Convo to the Offer card like it has been done for the Job Card


Showing 1531 of 1836

Event Mgt-Ability to Configure Different Emails for Phone Screen, In Person and Virtual Separately

Allow for configuration of confirmation emails to be detailed for Phone Screen, In-Person, and Virtual separately.
Mara Mays almost 4 years ago in Recruitment 0 Low community interest

Super User Access to Edit Status on Applicant Card

Currently only the applicant can change this, and we would like the Super User to be able to update this.
Mara Mays almost 4 years ago in Recruitment 0 Low community interest

Reset Password email to applicants

If the email provided by the applicant didn't exist in the PageUp system, the same notification that "an email is sent for reset password" is displayed. But applicant will never get an email, because the account didn't exist. In this case, the sys...
Xiaodong Zhu about 4 years ago in Recruitment 0 Low community interest

Select more than one user at "Primary teams & users"

I would like to see the my internal team´s position at my "current jobs" view. It will become the management process easy.
Guest about 4 years ago in Recruitment 0 Low community interest

Job card - Detect Multiple users present and warn the Users

You can already detect if more that one user is on the Manage applications page Unable to perform bulk communicate (applications) . Duplicate users detected. Please try searching again. Please warn Users if someone else has entered the Job Card.
Mark Evans about 4 years ago in Recruitment 2

Bulk Compile - Keep Selections

This could be resolved in one (or all) of the following ways: 1) The system keeps the same boxes checked as were used previously in the bulk compile dialogue screen. 2) Addition of a user preference option in the user's profile to allow selection ...
Patrick Harrison about 4 years ago in Recruitment 0 Low community interest

Ability to show 8 or more steps on the review progress bar in the My Performance Reviews box (employee portal)

Ability to show 8 or more steps on the review progress bar in the My Performance Reviews box (employee portal)
Kate Staples about 4 years ago in Recruitment 0 Low community interest

SSO SAML Sign-out

Our SSO team suggested to follow Microsoft recommended logout flow: 1. User clicks the sign-out button. 2. Service provider (PageUp) will generate SAML 2...
Guest about 4 years ago in Recruitment 1 Not currently aligned

Ability to Modify Employee Added to Offer Card

We would like the ability to update the person added in the Current or Previous Employee details of the Offer Card instead of completely deleting the offer card.
Mara Mays about 4 years ago in Recruitment 0 Low community interest

File List - include Files on the Documents tab when updating Description field

include the files in the Document tab on the requisition as an available document location that can be used to insert documents into the description field.
Mark Evans about 4 years ago in Recruitment 0 Low community interest