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Status Low Community Interest
Categories Recruitment
Created by Mark Evans
Created on Feb 25, 2021

Job card - Detect Multiple users present and warn the Users

You can already detect if more that one user is on the Manage applications page

Unable to perform bulk communicate (applications). Duplicate users detected. Please try searching again.

Please warn Users if someone else has entered the Job Card.

What is the business process you are trying to achieve?

Prevent one User overwriting what someone else has changed on a job card if they are both in the job card at the same time

  • Attach files
  • Mark Evans
    Nov 26, 2023

    Please consider this for Flexible Forms. basic functionality to help ensure you do not overwrite someone else's work

  • Mark Evans
    Jun 15, 2022

    we already have something like this with Manage applications

    when you try to do a bulk action it lets you know another user is present

    Please have the Applicant and Job pages place User details on the page in a banner saying someone else is already here.