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Status New idea
Categories Recruitment
Created by Jamie Wilson
Created on Aug 10, 2021

Edit approval process prior to final (HR) approval

This would be helpful to the HR team that is the final approver. If HR is given the ability to edit the users listed within the approval process and then able to send the job card to the correct approver. This would save time for HR, the hiring manager creating the job card, and all users involved in the approval process. The only option now is to decline, which would cause the hiring manager to have to create a new job card and submit through the approval process again, hoping that the correct process is selected.

What is the business process you are trying to achieve?

Users occasionally choose an incorrect approver to approve the job card. By the time it arrives to HR for final review/approval, the job card has been processed incorrectly. I would like the ability to change the approver and resubmit instead of canceling the action.

  • Attach files
  • Mark Evans
    May 11, 2023

    John - the main issue here is you currently cannot change the number of approval steps. We have been able to edit the actual approvers (the ones who have not completed their approvals) for several years.

    We need the ability to edit the number of approval steps mid flight without having to Cancel the existingapproval progress and start again.

  • Admin
    John Lorenzo
    May 11, 2023

    Users with the appropriate permission can edit the job card mid-flight. Please visit our Knowledge portal channel for more information or you can speak to your CSM for further support.

  • Mark Evans
    Aug 11, 2021

    oh lordy yes - the ability to edit the approval process is up on my radar

    number of steps - change the number of steps

    push it back - or back to a particular approver

    when approving - ability to add a Note/email note that is stored on Notes tab

    date submitted for approval at the top of the approval process - just like what is present on the Offer approval process