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Community Feedback

We love to hear your feedback. Your suggestions and ideas are important to us. Our feedback forum is a great place to post your ideas and vote on others. Please share your detailed use case and how the proposed enhancements can increase value to your business. We do read all of your posts, but may not be able to respond to all comments.

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Status Future consideration
Categories Recruitment
Created by Liz Stone
Created on Sep 14, 2022

Anonymize Profiles - Prevent Hiring Managers From Seeing Names

The Applicant Progress Board was rolled out with the ability to anonymize profiles. However, there are no controls that allow Human Resources to require all Hiring Managers to use this feature. The system currently allows Hiring Managers to toggle the anonymize profiles switch on/off. Add the ability to use the anonymize profiles by permission group as a requirement and not as an option. This feature should only effect the initial screening of applications.

Once Hiring Manager identifies which applicants to interview those applications can be made available with names for interviewing and onboarding purposes.

What is the business process you are trying to achieve?

We want to prevent unconscious bias when Hiring Managers are screening applications.

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  • Liz Stone
    Sep 20, 2022

    I am very happy to get the feedback this is aligned with future direction. Is there any timeline as to the roll out?

  • Fiona Le Roux
    Sep 20, 2022

    This idea is aligned with future direction. We are planning further enhancements to the level of application redaction and along with that we are considering a permission for the 'click to reveal' feature.

  • Mark Evans
    Sep 15, 2022

    talk to your CSM - you can do this globally in system settings for Recruitment processes

    "Use Anonymised Profiles"

    it would be nice if you could do it for a specific job - currently it is either All applicants on that particular recruitment process or an Option for a particular person looking at the Applicants

    set Anonymise On as the default for a particular requisition and they have to select away from it by choice. flag this has been done?? not sure but it would be good if Chairperson was aware a panel member ignored the instruction to view the applicants in an anonymised manner

    This feature should also be applied to Panel review of applicants/view responses