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We love to hear your feedback. Your suggestions and ideas are important to us. Our feedback forum is a great place to post your ideas and vote on others. Please share your detailed use case and how the proposed enhancements can increase value to your business. We do read all of your posts, but may not be able to respond to all comments.

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FEATURED Ability to select more than one option in the job filters
It would be good to be able to select more than one option when using the filter criteria in the Manage Jobs tab.
FEATURED Sourcing - block ability to source if job is non current (Closed/Cancelled)
Prevent sourcing to added to a closed/cancelled job. provide a prompt for the user to reopen the job / remove date filled


Showing 1517 of 1818

Anonymise profile information on the applicant card

Apply anonymise profile feature onto the applicant card. At present, you can switch this feature on for the applicant progress board. However, if you click on the applicant to review additional information such as notes or additional forms (phone ...
Kelsie Harnett almost 2 years ago in Recruitment 0 Future consideration

Access additional forms/notes on the Applicant Progress Board

On the Applicant Progress Board, there is currently quick links on the candidate to resume and application form. Add an additional link to allow the hiring manager to view any additional forms or notes that have been added to their record, without...
Kelsie Harnett almost 2 years ago in Recruitment 0 Future consideration

Manage forms - change item

Allow items that have been created to be converted to other items e.g. convert a question that is a check box to a radio button as opposed to recreating the who question and answers
Ryan Croukamp 7 months ago in Recruitment 1 Not currently aligned

Merge field for Orientation Date

It would be helpful to offer a merge field for the orientation date for email communications. This would be great to include within an email communication that goes out to an applicant upon a status change, specifically when they have accepted an ...
Katie Sefcik 7 months ago in Recruitment 0 Future consideration

Option to make interviews not private in calendar

Have an option at the arrange interview stage in PageUp to choose to make the interview private or not when sent to an integrated calendar.
Guest almost 2 years ago in Recruitment 0 Not currently aligned

Allow 'My Jobs' page to be customizable

As above. It will help recruiters to see more info of jobs at a glance. Many other recruitment tools have this feature.
Kate Thacker almost 2 years ago in Recruitment 0 Future consideration

bulk apply - allow complete application form & other available forms completed to be a visible on second job

Allow Bulk Apply from a specific job to another job to pick up Initial application form and additional forms e.g. reference checks, additional information forms, Internal forms
Mark Evans over 2 years ago in Recruitment 4 New idea

Additional Communication templates recipients

Additional Communication templates recipients
Guest almost 5 years ago in Recruitment 0 Future consideration

Recruitment Brief Collaborators - Viewer Privileges is too limited

Remove the mark complete or approval workflow dependency on the Viewer Collaborator access. We need hiring managers to view what is in the recruitment brief regardless of the form status in Draft vs Complete.
Liz Stone about 1 year ago in Recruitment 1 Future consideration

Anonymize Profiles - Prevent Hiring Managers From Seeing Names

The Applicant Progress Board was rolled out with the ability to anonymize profiles. However, there are no controls that allow Human Resources to require all Hiring Managers to use this feature. The system currently allows Hiring Managers to toggle...
Liz Stone over 2 years ago in Recruitment 3 Future consideration