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We love to hear your feedback. Your suggestions and ideas are important to us. Our feedback forum is a great place to post your ideas and vote on others. Please share your detailed use case and how the proposed enhancements can increase value to your business. We do read all of your posts, but may not be able to respond to all comments.

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Status Under review
Categories Recruitment
Created by Emily Nguyen
Created on Jun 26, 2022

Ability to set due date for reference check forms and send multiple automated and ad-hoc reminder emails to referees

**Updating based on additional feedback from users and suggestions in comments!**

Enable users to specify a due date for reference check forms, choose how many automated reminder emails to send to referees, and send ad-hoc reminder emails. The due date would function differently from the expiry date in that referees would be able to submit the form after the due date. Users would be able to choose how many automated reminder emails to send (and when) as well as send ad-hoc reminders.

Some ideas on how to achieve this:

  1. Create a new “reference check due date” field. Users would be able to set the due date wherever/whenever reference checks are triggered–i.e., this would be a setting on application statuses, the bulk reference check action, etc. In addition, users would be able to merge the field into the invitation and reminder emails so that referees are aware of the due date.

  2. Add a suite of “incomplete reference check” settings at the recruitment process level (per suggestions in the comments!). Settings could include:

    1. On/off switch for incomplete reference check management

    2. Custom content for invitation and reminder notifications

    3. Number of reminders that should be sent and when (in relation to the due date)

  3. Add an option to send a bulk reminder email to referees who have received an invitation but have not completed the reference check form.

For both #2 and 3 above, reminder emails would only be sent to referees who have received an invitation to complete the reference check form, but have not yet submitted it.

What is the business process you are trying to achieve?

**Updating based on additional feedback from users!**

Reference checks are a critical component of our review process, and we would like to ensure that they are completed as quickly as possible. It would be great if users could send multiple automated or ad-hoc reminders to referees who have not completed the reference check. The ability to send reminders within the system would be especially helpful for administrators, who currently must run a report to identify incomplete reference checks and then communicate with those referees outside of PageUp.

  • Attach files
  • Mark Evans
    Sep 18, 2024

    It is important that any reminder is sent before expiry - regardless of reminder period set

    recommend reminder be set to occur XX days before expiry instead of XX days after it has been initiated

    worst case - set a default 1 day before expiry

  • Mark Evans
    Dec 7, 2022

    ability to send a heads up email as well before the reference checks go out. lots of accounts have very active personal or enterprise spam blockers and we try to message in advance so that if they do not get the reference email they can respond

  • Emily Nguyen
    Jul 16, 2022

    Really like the idea of having "incomplete reference check management" settings at the recruitment process level--have updated ideas above!

  • Mark Evans
    Jul 4, 2022

    Could this be configured so it is days BEFORE expiry instead of days AFTER deliver. Or at least provide that as an option - just like application Incomplete settings on Recruitment processes.

    Referee emails are updated and resent during the referee period - all aiming to be completed by a set day.

    "Reminder - Request reference check - This template can send an email reminder to a referee before the due date. The timing can be configured in the System settings feature Days ref check reminder to be sent."