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Community Feedback

We love to hear your feedback. Your suggestions and ideas are important to us. Our feedback forum is a great place to post your ideas and vote on others. Please share your detailed use case and how the proposed enhancements can increase value to your business. We do read all of your posts, but may not be able to respond to all comments.

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Showing 1836 of 1836

Merge field Date format

Please revise the merge field for start date to the format: month day, year or allow customer to choose format they prefer. Right now, it is day, month year.
Amy Dollaske about 3 years ago in Recruitment 4 Future consideration

Visibility of Online Reference checks

Include Online Reference checks in the Bulk compile without having to provide full access to be able to manage reference checks. Currently it is an all or nothing situation - if we give them permission then they see all reference check requests. I...
Mark Evans over 1 year ago in Recruitment 0 Future consideration

Remove referrals and referral flags

In the Referral edit window, have a "Remove/ delete" option and when selected, also asking for a "Reason" that is mandatory free text field. This should be recorded in the history for record keeping and reporting purposes.
Guest almost 4 years ago in Recruitment 1 Future consideration

Duplicate detection rules - look at Home number as well instead of just Mobile

Could you please consider looking at home number field as well. Some applicants just use that field only and will put their mobile number there instead and leave the real mobile field empty also factor in blank spaces and dashes mobile 0400 000 00...
Mark Evans almost 5 years ago in Recruitment 3 Under review

Reporting Dashboard navigation and customisation

To be able to apply some customisation to this page, to list details on how to user and links to reference material and a link or an option that when you close you are taken back to PageUp / Employee Portal. (could the Superuser customise the retu...
Sipree Calder 10 months ago in Analytics & Reports 0 Future consideration

Improve the look of Completed Development Plans landing page

It would be good if the page was changed to have expired activities at the top of the list with the date the expired next to the word expired. Also if we can the add a paper clip to the first line showing attachments so again we don't have to dril...
Andrew Gunner about 4 years ago in Learning 1 Future consideration

Development Plan - Hide due dates when completed

Remove or hide the due dates when an activity has been completed. They're currently displayed quite prominently on the completed tab, so if the due date was moved into the additional course details area or removed, that would help reduce some of t...
Emily Hilgendorf about 4 years ago in Learning 1 Future consideration

Development Plan - Recognize "current" on courses with expiration if more than one entry

Our end users are getting very confused with the excessive amounts of expiration emails for activities that they have multiple records for ( ex. one expiring, one current). Ideally the system would recognize that there are current records for a co...
Emily Hilgendorf about 4 years ago in Learning 1 Future consideration

References used for multiple applications

We have applicants that apply to multiple positions (say they apply to a admin assistant position, but we have three, so they apply to all three). That means that if they use the same references, all references will receive three emails to provide...
Alana 10 months ago in Recruitment 1 Not currently aligned

Allow multiple (unlimited) on the job card as hiring manager/chair

I still struggle with this issue, so here goes: Our process requires all hiring managers, search committee members, and chair to have the same access in the system. This is not possible with the system. I can only put one person as the chair, only...
Alana 10 months ago in Recruitment 0 Future consideration