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Community Feedback

We love to hear your feedback. Your suggestions and ideas are important to us. Our feedback forum is a great place to post your ideas and vote on others. Please share your detailed use case and how the proposed enhancements can increase value to your business. We do read all of your posts, but may not be able to respond to all comments.

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Showing 749

Search jobs by classifications (Pay Scales)

Please add Pay Scales to the Search Jobs page
Mark Evans about 2 years ago in Recruitment 8 Future consideration

Create permission for editing learning attendance only

Currently, in order for a user to edit attendance for a learning activity they need to have rights to "manage learning library" which gives them the ability to send mass emails, edit learning activities, etc. The ability to permission editing atte...
Guest about 1 year ago in Learning 0 Future consideration

Make Offer Cards 'View only' once submitted for approvals

Is there a way to lock down the offer card so once the details are submitted for approvals, it goes into a Read Only or View Only so nothing can be added or changed to the offer card or applicant profile once that round of approvals has been submi...
Guest over 2 years ago in Recruitment 4 Future consideration

When the Candidate 'Accepts' their offer we would like to have the PDF copy of their Offer/Contract Letter automatically emailed to the Candidate

We would like to automate a PDF Copy of the Accepted Offer Contract to be emailed to the Successful Candidate once they have accepted the offer/contract. We would like to stop the manual intervention of our HR Teams to save a Copy of the successfu...
Guest over 3 years ago in Recruitment 6 Future consideration

Ability to BULK ARCHIVE learning activities from the learning library

It would be great if I could bulk remove them from PALMS. Ideally, by importing a csv file with the list of activities to remove. Alternatively, by enhancing the search function in the learning library so that I could select all results of interes...
Massimo Latelli 9 months ago in Learning 0 Future consideration

Changes to comments in review Items not tracked in history

Track the comments through the history report or remove the ability for deleting/editing of comments
Michelle Thomson about 1 year ago in Performance 0 Future consideration

Have the 'automatically assign manager to the performance review' checkbox available when editing the review

To have the 'automatically assign manager to the performance review' checkbox available when editing the review. This would allow us to reestablish the link between the employee's review and their actual manager from the integration so if the mana...
Guest about 1 year ago in Performance 0 Future consideration

Onboarding form upload notifications

For onboarding delegates, it would be helpful to receive notifications when a document is uploaded for new hires, rather than checking day by day.
Guest almost 2 years ago in Recruitment 0 Future consideration

Required Fields in Performance Process Steps

Please add a section in each Performance Process step that ties to the evaluation questions and and enables a function to if those questions are required or not for that process step.
Guest 7 months ago in Performance 0 Future consideration

Hide archived learning activities from the development plan breadcrumb on performance reviews

Ensure the learning widget and the developmnent plan in Performance both show the same list of courses that are in progress/booked, completed etc by removing archived learning activities from the development plan similar to how it currently works ...
Guest 12 months ago in Performance 2 Future consideration