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Community Feedback

We love to hear your feedback. Your suggestions and ideas are important to us. Our feedback forum is a great place to post your ideas and vote on others. Please share your detailed use case and how the proposed enhancements can increase value to your business. We do read all of your posts, but may not be able to respond to all comments.

More information on the status of submitted ideas can be
found here



Showing 116 of 1835

Include/Merge {EVENTINFORMATION] in .ICS file calendar invite

Enhance the .ICS file calendar invite to include the {EVENTINFORMATION} that is merged into the Public Information field
Sheri Lacy about 1 year ago in Learning / Recruitment 2 Future consideration

Adding multiple items to review or template at once, from a framework (library)

When selecting items from a framework/library to add to a review or review template, allow user to select multiple items at once to add rather than having to do this one by one.
Natalie Kamath 10 months ago in Learning / Performance 0 Future consideration

Ability to print an attendance sheet from the attendee list

Have a button on the attendees page that will produce a printable, Word or Excel, list of booked attendees that can be used as an attendance/sign in sheet.
Tammie McEvoy 10 months ago in Learning 2 Future consideration

Administrators can book an attendee to a learning activity without going through the waitlist

Learning administrators have the ability to bypass the waitlist and book a specific person as an attendee to a session that has a waitlist.
Tammie McEvoy 9 months ago in Learning 0 Future consideration

Assign Learning Activity from course page vs just Employee Search

Current process is cumbersome and repetitive if needing to do it several times. It would be helpful to be able to add several employees or mass assign from this page too.
Erin Boomer 6 months ago in Learning 0 Future consideration

New user/permission type to allow course owners outside the L&D team to manage their courses (enrollment, attendance, scheduling, etc)

Currently, facilitators and course owners in the business need to rely on the L&D team to manage their courses/content that they facilitate/are SMEs for. For example, someone in Finance leads a monthly webinar on p-cards and purchasing. Someon...
Erin Boomer 6 months ago in Learning 0 Future consideration

Enable Required Fields in Learning Activity Creation

We would like to be able to have any fields set as required by the Superuser for the learning activity creation, such as the competencies and course code fields, rather than the ones set by PageUp. We need the option for our course creators to ens...
Sarah Dreier 5 months ago in Learning 0 Future consideration

Add a date that a learning activity auto archives

The ability to add a date in a learning activity that the activity will auto-archive.
Tammie McEvoy 10 months ago in Learning 0 Future consideration

Learning - Ability for Learners to change timeslots

Learning - Ability for Learners to change timeslots
Guest almost 5 years ago in Learning 3 Future consideration

Learning Activity Survey download rating scale

When the survey results download to Excel, display the rating as the scale not a number - for example, "strongly agree" displays rather than "4".
Tammie McEvoy 4 months ago in Learning 0 New idea