Each campus (23 campuses) in the CSU system will have anywhere from about 100 plus teams. On the Job Template field 1) "Team link" is simply a drop down menu. Although we realize you can type in the first few letters of the name you are searching for, it would be much easier for our campuses if this search field had a lookup similar to the 2) "Position" field below it.
Typically campus users will either know the exact name of the team they are looking for, or they may only know it by the numerical value that is at the end of the team description. having a look up for the team description would allow a user to search for example "SJ%1237" and automatically find this team quickly "SJ-University Personnel - 1237".
This is an inconvenience to our Campus level users who could do their work much more timely if they had the ability to search in this "Team link" field.
Thank you!