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Community Feedback

We love to hear your feedback. Your suggestions and ideas are important to us. Our feedback forum is a great place to post your ideas and vote on others. Please share your detailed use case and how the proposed enhancements can increase value to your business. We do read all of your posts, but may not be able to respond to all comments.

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Active Users / Applicants - flag logged in

flag or indicator present in Applicant card or on Manage user page when someone is using their account.

possibly also in job card against User field

possibly on Manage applications/ list view / card view

What business value are you trying to achieve?

identify if an applicant or user is logged into their account

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    • Admin
      John Lorenzo
      Dec 20, 2023

      Thank you, Mark, for bringing forth this idea. Currently, it's not aligned with our plans for a couple of reasons:

      1. Our system does not currently collect this specific information.

      2. Implementation would be challenging, involving a redesign of the record.

      Nevertheless, we will explore opportunities to potentially incorporate this functionality in our upcoming NextGen forms, where recruiting collaboration could be more seamlessly performed.

    • Mark Evans
      Aug 31, 2023

      Hi John - a few reasons. e.g. Applicant - if they are using one account and we merge it into the other.

      we also really only know when they are working on application if they load a document or submit it - we have no idea they are busy working on application answers. We are also moving to application forms - update after submission - to know the applicant is in their application actually updating it would be useful. Last log in date/time or Active at moment.

      Users - we know when they last logged in but otherwise no idea if they are still logged in.

      Anyone editing a requisition has no idea that someone else is it it also editing it and can blow away their changes

      ideally the req should show someone else is actively in the req - caution on page - just like MS Office works

      we have no idea of total number of active users at any point in time

    • Admin
      John Lorenzo
      Aug 31, 2023

      Hi Mark - this is an interesting idea. We'd like to understand it better. What is the problem you are trying to address and if this feature was available, then how might you use it within your business?