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Community Feedback

We love to hear your feedback. Your suggestions and ideas are important to us. Our feedback forum is a great place to post your ideas and vote on others. Please share your detailed use case and how the proposed enhancements can increase value to your business. We do read all of your posts, but may not be able to respond to all comments.

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Status Not currently aligned
Categories Recruitment
Created by Guest
Created on Aug 12, 2024

Comm template for 'Assign Application'

A comm template for 'Assign Application' so that once the user 'approves' or 'declines' the assigned application, system users can be notified. Also more visibility on the applicant card for the assigned application outcome as currently it is only visible in the applicant history.

What is the business process you are trying to achieve?

To enable comms to be sent out once a user who has been assigned an application has approved or declined the application.

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  • Admin
    John Lorenzo
    Aug 15, 2024

    Hello, thank you for sharing your idea. We recognize that the "assign applications" feature in our ATS is quite outdated, especially with newer features like Convo offering more advanced capabilities. Enhancing this feature would require significant investment, which doesn't currently align with our product priorities. Therefore, we'll be marking this idea as not aligned at this time.

  • Mark Evans
    Aug 12, 2024

    bit of a balancing act as you could end up with a lot of emails

    perhaps look at Reference approach - ability to look at how completed reference would translate to completed assignments