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Community Feedback

We love to hear your feedback. Your suggestions and ideas are important to us. Our feedback forum is a great place to post your ideas and vote on others. Please share your detailed use case and how the proposed enhancements can increase value to your business. We do read all of your posts, but may not be able to respond to all comments.

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Showing 208

Expand permissions for updating search committee members on approved job cards

We would like the option to be able to have other users who are not designated "super users" be able to edit the search committee fields after a requisition has already been approved. Currently, if there are changes with the original assigned comm...
Guest about 1 year ago in Recruitment 0 New idea

Performance Reviews 'last saved' time stamp should be consistent with user time zone

Currently the time stamp on comments is linked to the User's location/time zone. However the 'last saved' time stamp for the review itself is based on the data centre so displays a different time. Would be great if they were consistent and based o...
Kate Staples over 4 years ago in Recruitment 0 New idea

Make "from" email mandatory for onboarding comms

Currently the "from" field is not mandatory. But if not completed, the emails don't trigger. System flaw.
Guest about 1 year ago in Recruitment 0 New idea

Learning Activity review/access without duplicating status for reporting

On display "Complete" status for employees one time, and ignore "in progress" and "booked" IF employee = Complete This
Guest over 4 years ago in Learning 0 New idea

Online testing results to be included in the Compile and Send feature.

Online testing results to be included in the Compile and Send feature so that they can be easily viewed alongside other information in excel.
Guest about 1 year ago in Recruitment 0 New idea

Connect Venues to Locations

Connect the venue settings to the location set up, so that when booking an interview, the default venue appears per location, and when rebranding/importing data for locations, the venue information will be updated as well
Marcella Baxter over 2 years ago in Learning 0 New idea

SuperUser able to override/upload documents for applicants

We Do NOT want applicant's to be able to update their application or documents after they submit it, but we receive calls that they need to make updates. We would like to be able as a SuperUser to just delete or override the document that is in th...
Guest about 1 year ago in Recruitment 0 New idea

Language Items - Independent language items

Make Language items in the platform independent in each location in the platform
Mark Evans over 3 years ago in Recruitment 5 New idea

Edit approval process prior to final (HR) approval

This would be helpful to the HR team that is the final approver. If HR is given the ability to edit the users listed within the approval process and then able to send the job card to the correct approver. This would save time for HR, the hiring ma...
Jamie Wilson over 3 years ago in Recruitment 3 New idea

Ability to hide documents/form types on "compile" pop-up

Provide the ability to display or hide each document/form type on the “compile and send” pop-up. Currently we can do this for the document categories but not for the documents/forms in the "application details" or "recruiter documents" sections. T...
Emily Nguyen over 2 years ago in Recruitment 1 New idea