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Community Feedback

We love to hear your feedback. Your suggestions and ideas are important to us. Our feedback forum is a great place to post your ideas and vote on others. Please share your detailed use case and how the proposed enhancements can increase value to your business. We do read all of your posts, but may not be able to respond to all comments.

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Showing 79

Bounce flag - set if email not delivered

Always set bounce flag if email not delivered
Mark Evans over 3 years ago in Recruitment 1 Shipped

Ability to remove extension offers.... Seems silly this was not considered.

Add ability to remove extension offer in case of mistake. e.g. extension made on old offer, incorrect offer.
Jack Priestly over 3 years ago in Recruitment 1 Shipped

Bulk Move from Panel screen - include appropriate message with status chosen

Fix Bulk Move from Panel screen Messages have not been included in the first part of the roll out major miss
Mark Evans over 3 years ago in Recruitment 2 Shipped

Applicant Progress Board - Toggle between two views

Provide a Toggle on the Users screen to allow them to switch between Manage Applications and Applicant Progress Board. Just like you can change your view on a Super User dashboard
Mark Evans almost 4 years ago in Recruitment 2 Shipped

Documents-Make it easier to identify the types of offer letters

We have to use a matrix to identify the title of the document in PageUp and what the offer letter contents are. We can't put this info in to the title of the document because the title displays to the candidate, and we don't want that. It would be...
Mara Mays over 4 years ago in Recruitment 3 Shipped

Add a new certificate type in the standard profile question for Education - Cost and Management Accountants (CMAs)

This certificate type/qualification has global presence. Those who have this qualification find it difficult to select other certificate types to show their professional qualification.
Guest over 4 years ago in Recruitment 1 Shipped

Knowledge Portal - provide input

Provide the ability for Users to provide KP feedback this feedback would then be reviewed by PageUp Owner for possible update
Mark Evans over 4 years ago in Recruitment 2 Shipped

Allow more votes over time

At the moment everyone gets 3 votes in total and they don't appear to reset. A potential idea would be to give people a new vote every day to a cap of 3?
Ashley Pettit over 4 years ago in Recruitment 2 Shipped

Field validation - character limit

Please allow fields to have a character limit enabled. Our HRIS has a character limit of 40 for position title and we need to manage this manually because PageUp can't limit it. New starter forms have field control functions please make this avail...
Mark Evans over 4 years ago in Recruitment 4 Shipped