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Community Feedback

We love to hear your feedback. Your suggestions and ideas are important to us. Our feedback forum is a great place to post your ideas and vote on others. Please share your detailed use case and how the proposed enhancements can increase value to your business. We do read all of your posts, but may not be able to respond to all comments.

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FEATURED Convo - add to Offer Card
Add Convo to the Offer card like it has been done for the Job Card
FEATURED Have user permissions effective in Applicant Search
Make permissions effective in all areas of the recruitment system. ensure that the security boundaries defined in permissions have no loop holes that allow for functioning outside the parameters that have be set by the Administrators for a reason....


Showing 1531 of 1835

Add new bulk action - 'add to Talent Pool'

Add new bulk action - 'add to Talent Pool' so scenarios where you are solely wanting to add applicants to a talent pool
Paige Folland about 2 years ago in Recruitment 5 Future consideration

User Field Lookups - Remove shell user accounts from lookup

User Field Lookups - Remove shell user accounts from lookup The shell user accounts, which are created as placeholders for new hires who are not linked to existing users, should be excluded from all user field lookups as these are not valid user/e...
Cristina Figueroa de Enriquez about 2 years ago in Recruitment 1 Future consideration

Enhanced Reporting - failed delivery identification

Some notification to a nominated mailbox if a report fails to run. I can open Schedule manually each day and look at Enhanced Report Schedules and look for Failed - not ideal and a manual process
Mark Evans about 2 years ago in Recruitment 0 Future consideration

Ability to send a welcome email for new starters based on start date

PageUp currently offer the ability to send a welcome email but it only is sent 1 day before the new starter begins based on the start date. It would be great to have the ability to configure when the start date is sent e.g. 1, 3,5, 7 days.
Ryan Croukamp about 1 year ago in Recruitment 0 Future consideration

Job Card: Use category to limit type of file that can be uploaded to Documents tab

Hiring managers are required to attach a copy of the position description to the Job Card Documents tab. We want to be able to revise or simply copy/paste content from the uploaded position description. This becomes more difficult if a spreadsheet...
Guest over 1 year ago in Recruitment 0 Future consideration

Onboarding Module- Due date to be auto changed according to updated start date

Task list's due date to be auto adjusted aganist updated start date not just against the initially defined start date. after workflow has been released
Guest over 2 years ago in Recruitment 1 More information required

New applications move straight to Search Committee Review

Often times, we aren't involved in the screening of applicants so we become the bottle neck to move applications forward. If the system were able to funnel applications straight to the Search Committee, it would speed up the review process, theref...
Katie Prososki over 1 year ago in Recruitment 1 Not currently aligned

Remove an approver slot

Instead of having to archive the current approvals process and create a brand new one each time, give us the option to just edit (remove) an approver slot.
Guest over 1 year ago in Recruitment 1 Future consideration

Ability to add additional Users on Job card and identify their role

Have a new function that allows the addition on ad hoc basis of another user, and a drop down list that allows the identification of what type of user is being added to the job card. The permission in the back will automatically allows the identif...
Xiaodong Zhu over 2 years ago in Recruitment 2 Future consideration

Make selecting an approval process on the offer card a required field

Frequently, hiring managers leave this field blank, so their offer card/hiring proposal is never submitted into an approval queue. Several days can go by before they follow up to ask if the candidate's offer has been approved, only to find out it ...
Erin Boomer 6 months ago in Recruitment 0 Future consideration