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Status Future consideration
Categories Recruitment
Created by Guest
Created on Jul 17, 2020

Add Closing Date to Invite to Apply from Job Card

There are 3 ways to Invite to Apply - Applicant card > invite to apply, bulk invite to apply, and the (person with a plus sign) icon on the job card.

The first two methods ask for a closing date, the third does not, meaning an invite to apply sourcing channel is always open for that job, even after closing the job.

The only way to fix this today is using a test applicant, inviting them to apply and including a closing date.

Adding the closing date field to the third option with make the workaround unnecessary.

What business value are you trying to achieve?

Prevent the necessary workaround of using a test applicant to close the invisible Invite to Apply sourcing channel by adding a "closing date" field.

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  • Thomas Pullen
    Nov 10, 2021

    What is confusing to hiring managers is that the closing date shows up in the postings list. so they think their job has a closing date, when it does not. Hiring managers have called me freaking out, because the job is supposed to be opening until filled. they see that and think we made a mistake.