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Community Feedback

We love to hear your feedback. Your suggestions and ideas are important to us. Our feedback forum is a great place to post your ideas and vote on others. Please share your detailed use case and how the proposed enhancements can increase value to your business. We do read all of your posts, but may not be able to respond to all comments.

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My votes

Showing 1835 of 1835

Remove duplicated additional forms from applicant portal

Have a 'delete' option in the history for the additional form(s) that are incomplete or not started only.
Guest almost 4 years ago in Recruitment 0 Future consideration

Learning Event Calendar Integration

Like Recruitment Events it would be good to integrate Learning Events into Calendars / MS Teams or Zoom Calendars. With the addition of adding it too venue calendars and an option for Supervisors Calendars
Andrew Gunner about 4 years ago in Learning 1 Future consideration

Clear bounce flag - Sendgrid

If PageUp check Sendgrid and remove the bounce there - have that removal also update on the applicant card.
Mark Evans 8 months ago in Recruitment 2 Not currently aligned

preferred pronouns - merge field / Visibility

Preferred pronouns as a merge field visibility on Applicant Card View/List View
Mark Evans 8 months ago in Recruitment 0 Future consideration

Assistant Recruiter and Recruiter

In system if Recruiter is away or on vacation then can assigned that same job task to Assistant Recruiter as cover up. It will be very useful for big organization managers to handle job task without worries if assigned Recruiter is away.
Kamlesh Patel about 2 years ago in Recruitment 2 Future consideration

Learning - Allow access to 'learn now' more broadly in admin managed activities

Currently 'Learn Now' is only available through "My Development Plan" for admin managed activities. It would be easier for employees that are already booked into the activity to be able to select "learn now" from their personal dashboard or even f...
Emily Hilgendorf about 4 years ago in Learning 0 New idea

Known issues - splash message when Creating docket or Online Chat

Have a message appear when creating a ticket or bringing up a chat window to display known issues. have an option to just add yourself to the existing dkt for advice when fixed
Mark Evans 8 months ago in Recruitment 2 Not currently aligned

Allow Offer checks on offer card to be read only

Offer card to be read only for some user groups to restrict who can edit these items.
Guest over 3 years ago in Recruitment 0 Future consideration

Add Cronofy integration to the learning module

Cronofy integration with the learning module would save trainers time.
Bianca Voyce over 1 year ago in Learning 0 Future consideration

Recruitment Briefs - When adding multiple briefs use unique naming

Provide recruiter the ability to create a unique name for the brief to make it easier to search for the form. Or add the job card number to the name to make it easier to search in the Recruitment Brief Library.
Liz Stone over 1 year ago in Recruitment 3 Future consideration