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Community Feedback

We love to hear your feedback. Your suggestions and ideas are important to us. Our feedback forum is a great place to post your ideas and vote on others. Please share your detailed use case and how the proposed enhancements can increase value to your business. We do read all of your posts, but may not be able to respond to all comments.

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Showing 749

Applicant Preferred First Name - Communication Merge field

When utilizing the applicant preferred first name in communications via merge field there are times the applicant does not have a preferred first name. This means the merge field will be blank. We would like to request logic with this merge field ...
Tammy Dietzel almost 4 years ago in Recruitment 3 Future consideration

Separate Task Emails

each task is currently grouped by due date and reminder date. This can be helpful to limit multiple emails but would be good to have the option to 'serarate' some task so that they stand out and are not lost in the detail of grouped notifications....
Guest over 2 years ago in Recruitment 0 Future consideration

When downloading report from job card, include job title/number in file name

Add the job title, job number/ID, etc. to the file name of the downloaded report, if it has been downloaded from the job card.
Emily Nguyen over 1 year ago in Recruitment 0 Future consideration

Offer / Onboarding - New Starter Forms - ability to move a new employee onto a DIFFERENT New Starter Form

Have the ability to select a different New Starter form in the Offer Card, save changes to the Offer Card, Use Application action Update Form and have the New New Starter form visible to the new employee at that point
Mark Evans almost 4 years ago in Recruitment 0 Future consideration

Fit2Work integration to support common special characters

Allow the integration to support common special characters within people's names. OR Allow regex on the personal details page such that we can prevent special character entry.
Ashley Pettit over 1 year ago in Recruitment 1 Future consideration

Reorganize/redesign search committee feedback page and provide sorting functionality

Reorganize or redesign the search committee feedback/responses page. Enable users to easily view all feedback for a specific applicant and determine which committee members have reviewed the applicant. Below are some ideas to improve the existing ...
Emily Nguyen over 2 years ago in Recruitment 0 Future consideration

Audit tracking - job approval

The job approval process should be tracked in an audit log (along with many other interactions) so that Super Users can extract from PageUp who approved a job and how e.g. log in and approve vs email approve.
Tim Jackson over 2 years ago in Recruitment 0 Future consideration

Edit a dashboard/report schedule from 'Schedules' tab

I would like the ability to edit the settings of the schedule from the 'Schedules' tab, 3 dots > edit schedule. Currently you have to re-open the dashboard and find a way to edit schedule from there, which is confusing and too many steps.
Paige Folland over 1 year ago in Analytics & Reports 0 Future consideration

User Details - change email on account - do not send email if done by super user

the ability to edit a User account by a Super User without triggering an email This would be Super User edits only - any edits done by any other person would still trigger an email
Mark Evans over 1 year ago in Recruitment 0 Future consideration

Audit Log for data imports

Add actions triggered from the data imports to the Audit Log such as creation/archival of Users, Business Units, Cost Centres etc.
Bec Linehan over 1 year ago in Analytics & Reports 0 Future consideration