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Community Feedback

We love to hear your feedback. Your suggestions and ideas are important to us. Our feedback forum is a great place to post your ideas and vote on others. Please share your detailed use case and how the proposed enhancements can increase value to your business. We do read all of your posts, but may not be able to respond to all comments.

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My votes

Showing 1836 of 1836

Enhanced Reporting - Improve SuperUser ability to modify Scheduled Reports

Allow Super Users to edit recipients and other setup of scheduled reports.
Liz Stone over 2 years ago in Recruitment 0 Future consideration

Make a field mandatory based on the outcome of another question on the job card.

This will improve the processing time without having the processor to go back to the hiring manager for the necessary information for job advertising.
Guest almost 2 years ago in Recruitment 1

APB 'other Documents" View to also show documents uploaded by recruiters

the documents to show in the Documents slider view on APB should also show supporting documents that are uploaded by a recruiter or other user
Guest over 1 year ago in Recruitment 0 Future consideration

Anonymized Profiles feature should include application form

The feature would be more widely used by our hiring managers if the name and information was redacted on the application form.
Guest almost 2 years ago in Recruitment 1 Future consideration

Copy/Transfer Forms to New Application

When moving a candidate to a New Application it would be great to have the option to copy or transfer all forms (or selected forms) to the New Application, currently only the application form is copied/moved.
John Weir over 4 years ago in Recruitment 2 Future consideration

Card View Headings

The whole heading of each column in Card View is viable all the time rather than needing to hover over it. Headings continue to be visible as you scroll down the screen looking at candidates
Allison Mackin 5 months ago in Performance 0 Future consideration

Application reasons to be searchable via the applicant card or made visible on the view applications screen

Application reasons to be searchable via the applicant card or made visible on the view applications screen Currently only visible on the applicant card history and reporting
Paige Folland 5 months ago in Recruitment 4 More information required

Hide confidential team jobs from the applicant card

If the user cannot access the job, then they should also not see the application for that job or any of it's history on the applicant card. If the applicant has applied to other jobs, they should see those, but not the jobs they are not permitted ...
Guest almost 2 years ago in Recruitment 0 Future consideration

Sort Step Templates - Onboarding

It is difficult to find some step templates or to annually review them because they appear in such a random order. Alpha sort would be helpful.
Guest over 2 years ago in Recruitment 2 Future consideration

Improve Cronofy Functionality when an interview is declined

Currently when we send an interview for a specific time through Cronofy integration, it puts the invite directly into the hiring managers calendar without them accepting or declining it. If they went into the invite and declined it, there is no no...
Lauren Farr 5 months ago in Recruitment 0 Future consideration