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Community Feedback

We love to hear your feedback. Your suggestions and ideas are important to us. Our feedback forum is a great place to post your ideas and vote on others. Please share your detailed use case and how the proposed enhancements can increase value to your business. We do read all of your posts, but may not be able to respond to all comments.

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Showing 116 of 1835

To have the learning calendar filter based on the learner's location

To have an option in Settings to be able to automatically filter the learning calendar by the learner's device location. The location is already used to determine how the start and finish times display so we'd like to use that to be able to automa...
Guest over 4 years ago in Learning 2 New idea

Ability to assign multiple Roles to a Position

The idea is to allow multiple roles to be assigned to 1 position. In the current PageUp system, only 1 role can be assigned to 1 position. Complex logic outside of PageUp would be needed to be able to ensure all required learning activity can be c...
Guest over 4 years ago in Learning / Performance 1 Future consideration

Skillsoft feed assign different types

This would benefit the professional development team as we now have to manually move all the Spanish modules to a new type everytime a new group of modules drops in. It would help to have other options as well (unique code, competencies). This wou...
Jennifer Benson over 3 years ago in Learning 0 New idea

In Progress learning activity reminder

increasing learning activity completion rate by reminding associates of their in progress learning activities. this would be useful for the learning management team as well as the associates. associates would be reminded that they still have learn...
Guest over 4 years ago in Learning 2 Future consideration

Add more than one SCORM/Activity

Add more than one SCORM object or Activity. To allow a learner to complete the content in smaller chunks. For our learners who are in remote locations a 30 min SCORM is a really clunky experience, and often fails
Sally Bird almost 4 years ago in Learning 0 Future consideration

Set 'Admin access' for a single or specific learning activities

Set 'Admin access' for a single or specific learning activities
Guest almost 5 years ago in Learning 1 Future consideration

Learning - My Team - Organisational chart to list encumbered positions rather than vacant positions first

Change the sort order to show encumbered positions first
Michelle Thomson almost 2 years ago in Learning 1 More information required

Learning - Curriculum

To be able to create curriculums with multiple courses and cascading due dates. Also, automatic assignments for new hires.
Guest about 2 years ago in Learning 0 Future consideration

The ability to set the recipient of communications templates

To add a recipient field to communications templates and to be able to link custom communications templates to learning activities to be sent out upon completion of the activity.
Guest over 4 years ago in Learning 0 Future consideration

Learning Activity review/access without duplicating status for reporting

On display "Complete" status for employees one time, and ignore "in progress" and "booked" IF employee = Complete This
Guest over 4 years ago in Learning 0 New idea