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Categories Recruitment
Created by Louis Munari
Created on Jan 15, 2021

Dashboard issue when viewing applicants resume's

to revert back to the normal way or allow access?

What is the business process you are trying to achieve?


I hiring manager am trying to view my applicants details and resume. when I click on their details it comes up with a prompt 401. I follow the instructions to the applications progress board and then still dont get anywhere with viewing their details. I have attached screen shots to assist with my issue.



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  • Admin
    Rebecca Achilleos
    Feb 2, 2021

    Ashley is correct - this is likely a permission issue. Your current permission levels may not give you access to this particular applicant. If this issue is still persisting, I would suggest raising with your SuperUser so they can raise a support case on your behalf.

  • Ashley Pettit
    Jan 19, 2021

    Hey Louis, a 401 is a permissions issue. PageUp believes the user does not have the permission to do what they are trying to do. Often in this case it is fixable under manage permission groups. Whilst I can't speak to the exact permission it would be worth playing around in UAT to see if a certain permission setting stops this 401 error. Hope this helps a little!