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Status Low community interest
Categories Recruitment
Created by Tammy Dietzel
Created on Nov 10, 2020

Reporting Code Language Empowerment

Having the ability to manage forms shouldn't also give the ability to edit reporting codes. The ability to edit reporting codes should be a permissionable feature.

What business value are you trying to achieve?

If a user has the ability to manage forms, they now have the ability to edit reporting codes. We have recruiters at 23 campuses who have the ability to edit their campus specific forms, but the reporting codes have been controlled/monitored/and allocated by the 3 super users at the Chancellor's Office. Adding this "empowerment" causes more users to have the ability to create problems for our systemwide reporting. We wish this empowerment could be a permissionable feature that we could control who has access to the reporting code s.

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  • Mark Evans
    Nov 11, 2020

    the new empowerment has cracked open the ability for a User with basic application form builder access to edit and control all system standard reporting items.

    What code is used for and what we are going to call it in reporting dataviews/reports

    1st - concern is they could edit the label - and I do appreciate that I can look in Audit log and recover it. No date field and it would be difficult for me to pick up it had been changed until someone queries the output.

    2nd - they could decide off their own bat to use up my reporting codes allocations without going through a proper process to ensure codes are not wasted.

    3rd - they could reassign the label to a new item and again impact my reporting standards especially if they have put another item label in (or flushed the value for the Label Override)

    I don't want them being able to have uncontrolled access to system standard settings.

    Report Code Label is the higher risk as I have a user base getting information and expecting to see the original field name

    It would probably affect report filters as well as it would no longer be the old item

    I love the new feature but do not want Edit access allowed for basic form builders in Manage reporting code labels.

    Read Only would be acceptable

    They can already go to Reporting codes within any individual application form that they are working on

    Existing form builders cannot see reporting codes within application forms - they need to go into Reporting codes to add a code here

    We have them using Template pages with built in reporting codes already incorporated so they do not have to mess with System Standard reporting codes.

    If they want to access responses in their unique custom forms they can use Bulk Export on the recruitment campaign they are managing

  • Admin
    Rebecca Achilleos
    Nov 11, 2020

    Thanks for the feedback on our recent 'reporting code label' release. I'm keen to hear some more feedback on this item.

    The work released is to allow our clients to update the labels within reports - we have not changed anything when it comes to reporting codes themselves and the access to create or edit these. If a user has access to manage forms, current functionality means they can access the reporting code page and add more codes to their forms or amend them (to your point Mark, they can't do this via the application form questions themselves, but they do have access via the summary reporting code page). We believed that the ability to change a reporting code was a higher privilege than changing the labels in reports which is why we have not created a permission.

    Can I confirm - would you be more concerned with a user changing a reporting code or a reporting code report label? What poses the higher risk in your opinion and why?

  • Mark Evans
    Nov 10, 2020

    Agreed big time!

    People who create application forms should not be able to edit reporting codes across the system and blow reporting standards away.

    Existing functionality for those who build forms - they cannot add a reporting code inside a form - had to go out to Reporting Codes to add codes. Didn't really matter as we gave them a Master template to copy master pages which already had the reporting codes built in.

    View only for form builders and this area should be only available to System Administrators