Add line breaks between Employment and Education history instances on Application Form View
Add line breaks between the education and employment instances on the application form view to make it easier to read for users reviewing the application via the form view link.
Back in March 2024 there were some system changes that impacted the view of the application. Among an item that we reported and was fixed was the missing page breaks between forms. Another difference that was reported by our users was that the employment history and education sections no longer having a line break to separate the various employer and education instances when using the bulk compile-print option to view the application form. This, too was fixed; however, for the form view change request PU recommended that we submit this as an idea/feedback.
Thank you for taking the time to share your idea.
We’re excited to announce that as of 10 Jan 2025, we have added line breaks between the employment and education history sections.
We encourage you to continue sharing your thoughts and ideas with us. Your feedback is crucial as we strive to improve and grow.
Consider using "ABC title" as a section heading before each profile item