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Community Feedback

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Showing 749

automatically update Offer Status or Application Status to "Offer Approved" when final approver has approved offer card

automatically update Offer Status or Application Status to "Offer Approved" when final approver has approved offer card
Guest almost 5 years ago in Recruitment 2 Future consideration

Learning - Private Learning Activity Date Completion Control

Users cannot currently adjust the completion date from the date added on a private learning activity. This is causing issues with those who want to add private learning accomplishments that might have taken place earlier. The current permission to...
Emily Hilgendorf almost 4 years ago in Learning 0 Future consideration

Phone Screen Form Reportable

Adding fields on Enhanced reporting and be able to report on Phone screen Form content/answers. Like being able to reprot on application form and internal form
Guest almost 2 years ago in Recruitment 1 Future consideration

Salary calculator on offer card

Inbuilt calculator on the offer card that is customisable depending on the clients'/ PU client's needs.
Guest almost 4 years ago in Recruitment 2 Future consideration

Pull position number into application status communications.

Ability to advise a hiring manager of which position they have hired a particular applicant into via an application status communications.
Guest over 3 years ago in Recruitment 0 Future consideration

Provide more detailed information on what data a merge field is pulling and provide preview option

Provide additional details on where a merge field is pulling data from to make it easier for users to select the correct merge field, and have a preview option available for all communication settings to confirm the merge field entered is pulling ...
Cristina Figueroa de Enriquez almost 3 years ago in Recruitment 1 Future consideration

Date Format on Reference Form

In the United States we use this format for dates; Month / Day / Year but in PageUp the reference form displays dates; Day / Month / Year. Can this format be changed?
Guest 6 months ago in Recruitment 0 Future consideration

Customizable login portals and password reset screens

Allow for customizable login portals where business specific messages and branding can be added. This would range from adding helper text for candidates with password reset requirements to adding security messages to satisfy audit security require...
Jamie Norman over 1 year ago in Recruitment 0 Future consideration

Confirmation Email for Submitted References

When an applicant is transitioned to an application status that sends a reference request to their listed references the referees get an email with a link to the form and a reminder email. It would be great if they would also receive a confirmatio...
Michael Gonsalves almost 3 years ago in Recruitment 8 Future consideration

Offer Approval - Auditing Capability

Current the revision history on the offer card doesn't capture changes to the offer approval workflow. It would be great to add this to improve auditability. Currently if the approval workflow is changed there is no audit logs for the previsou app...
Ryan Croukamp about 1 year ago in Recruitment 0 Future consideration