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Community Feedback

We love to hear your feedback. Your suggestions and ideas are important to us. Our feedback forum is a great place to post your ideas and vote on others. Please share your detailed use case and how the proposed enhancements can increase value to your business. We do read all of your posts, but may not be able to respond to all comments.

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Showing 207

Onboarding tasks reserved/assigned to HR & not HM or other

HR controls the onboarding & new employee process but are not able in PU to have tasks assigned to them, only mimic the reports to or others. When they log in then they see the tasks assigned to them as well currently.
Tara La Force 21 days ago in Recruitment 0 New idea

Ability to post a position on our website from PageUp with no apply now button.

We periodically have a position posted using a search firm rather than applying through our website. Unfortunately, the Apply Now button appears and we have to do special programming to get it shut off. We would like a process where we can post wi...
Melani McGuire 9 days ago in Recruitment 1 New idea

Create error logic on requisition

As the super user we should be able to create error logic that if a value does not match the drop down fields. If you are feeding output to a third party vendor and the value is incorrect it errors on you and it should error before the requisition...
Barb Rardin 5 days ago in Recruitment 0 New idea

Performance - Access to Self Evaluation after submission

Allow employees to view their self-evaluation after submission.
Ponnette Smith 13 days ago in Performance 2 New idea

Schedule Reports based off PageUp permission groups

When establishing a schedule for reports, have the option for the recipients to be permission groups you have set up in PageUp as well as the current email address option. Helpful in managing schedules for specific groups, especially larger ones.
Sipree Calder 23 days ago in Analytics & Reports 1 New idea

Add enhanced reporting to audit log tracking

Audit log tracking of who has run a particular report has only been designed for legacy reports and not enhanced reporting. We request the same functionality to be implemented for enhanced reporting to be able to view by which users and how many t...
Sara Shaltout about 1 month ago in Analytics & Reports 0 New idea

User Team Access-Be able to select which employees the user has access to

User Team Access-Have the option to either select by team or select which employees the user has access to.
Charlotte Hearn 6 days ago in Other 0 New idea

Be able to create Onboarding Workflow Folders

Be able to create Onboarding Workflow Folders.
Charlotte Hearn 6 days ago in Other 0 New idea

Multiple Users reviewing applicants on a job

Currently the platform will warn if more than one user is present and prevent you doing Bulk actions. looking to have platform warn that there are other applicants present but only object if more than one person is doing a bulk action
Mark Evans 7 days ago in Recruitment 0 New idea

Adding to Approval Processes

Being able to add additional approvers and then being able to reorder the process without having to re-type in all the other approvers in the correct order.
Guest about 2 months ago in Recruitment 1 New idea