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Community Feedback

We love to hear your feedback. Your suggestions and ideas are important to us. Our feedback forum is a great place to post your ideas and vote on others. Please share your detailed use case and how the proposed enhancements can increase value to your business. We do read all of your posts, but may not be able to respond to all comments.

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My votes

Showing 598

Audit trail for deleted journal entries

Audit trail to be able to see/access deleted journal entries
Kate Staples over 4 years ago in Recruitment 0 Low community interest

Making Optional Onboarding Tasks with Onboarding forms as a My favorite task & then using on other workflows

It would be great for the optional onboarding task to have the ability to be selected as a My favorite task and then used how that specific department needs to use that particular task.
Connie Pfaff-Eickhoff over 4 years ago in Recruitment 0 Low community interest

Ability for System Administrators to Delete Mail Matcher Notes/Documents

Ability for System Administrators to Delete Mail Matcher Notes/Documents, regardless of which user originally mail matched the notes or documents to a requisition. Thanks,
Guest about 2 years ago in Recruitment 0 Low community interest

Letter of Recommendation Link Expiration Date for Each Job Card

My request is to have the ability to customize the letter of recommendation link expiration date for each job card which will align with the application best consideration date.
Marcy Cozzens over 4 years ago in Recruitment 1 Low community interest

View fellow team members

Team members are able view their fellow team member names and profile picture. Allows familiarisation with team.
Guest about 2 years ago in Recruitment 0 Low community interest

Add Recruiting Process Type as Column on Jobs List view.

We would like "Recruiting Process Type" to be included in the "Jobs List" view. This would make Waived and regularly posted reqs easy to identify.
Mara Mays over 4 years ago in Recruitment 0 Low community interest

Recruitment process - Online Reference Check feature

Allow Recruitment Processes to have custom emails used when sending online reference checks. Recruitment processes statuses allow you to do custom messages to Applicants and Users. In the Reference check area you can only nominate the form to be u...
Mark Evans over 4 years ago in Recruitment 0 Low community interest

Learning - change the timeslot record display to today's date record

Currently the record displayed is the 1st timeslot/session which could be 2-12 months ago. Change the record display to equal todays date or greater than today. Users don't want to see the record from 12 months ago and have to scroll through. Make...
Guest over 4 years ago in Recruitment 0 Low community interest

Date Field properties - consistent date field picker

identify best date picker field and use it consistently throughout the platform The applicant date field is especially troublesome
Mark Evans over 4 years ago in Recruitment 0 Low community interest

If resume is attached to application as a upload, then lock it down as application is being locked down

If resume was submitted as an applicant profile, we understand that this updates all resumes for the appliants. But when resume was submitted as part of the application, and application has already been set to not allow update after submission, re...
Xiaodong Zhu about 2 years ago in Recruitment 1 Low community interest