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Community Feedback

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Status Low Community Interest
Categories Recruitment
Created by Marcy Cozzens
Created on Oct 13, 2020

Letter of Recommendation Link Expiration Date for Each Job Card

My request is to have the ability to customize the letter of recommendation link expiration date for each job card which will align with the application best consideration date.

What is the business process you are trying to achieve?

When moving applicants to the status that sends out an automatic email requesting a letter of recommendation for faculty applicants, it has to be the same number of days for all job cards, which doesn't work for the multiple faculty recruitments we have going on. Search committee chairs and applicants are confused as to why the application best consideration date and the letter of recommendation date aren't the same which results in lots of manual work on the recruiter's end.

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  • Kamlesh Patel
    May 16, 2024

    Make the expire date/days process for stream line throughout any forms link.