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Community Feedback

We love to hear your feedback. Your suggestions and ideas are important to us. Our feedback forum is a great place to post your ideas and vote on others. Please share your detailed use case and how the proposed enhancements can increase value to your business. We do read all of your posts, but may not be able to respond to all comments.

More information on the status of submitted ideas can be
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My votes

Showing 125

Image scanning - warn if porn

images scanning to identify and warn if potentially a porn image has been loaded. Warn SYS Admin to review or screen out
Mark Evans about 2 years ago in Recruitment 1 Not currently aligned

Community Feedback Filtering

Our company does not have all modules. Allow users to filter suggestions by the modules that they have purchased.
Alana about 2 years ago in Recruitment 1 Not currently aligned

Hide unanswered questions on "application answers" pop-up

On the "application answers" pop-up, we would like to hide questions that the applicant has not answered (including, potentially, blank referee and file upload fields). Another option is to enable users to filter for questions that have answers. O...
Emily Nguyen almost 3 years ago in Recruitment 1 Not currently aligned

SSO SAML Sign-out

Our SSO team suggested to follow Microsoft recommended logout flow: 1. User clicks the sign-out button. 2. Service provider (PageUp) will generate SAML 2...
Guest about 4 years ago in Recruitment 1 Not currently aligned

Generic List Legacy - Search Option

Provide a searchable option on Generic List Legacy
Mark Evans about 4 years ago in Recruitment 2 Not currently aligned