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Community Feedback

We love to hear your feedback. Your suggestions and ideas are important to us. Our feedback forum is a great place to post your ideas and vote on others. Please share your detailed use case and how the proposed enhancements can increase value to your business. We do read all of your posts, but may not be able to respond to all comments.

More information on the status of submitted ideas can be
found here



Showing 116 of 1835

Disabling Waitlist

Are we able to create a function where we can disable the waitlist on an elearning session
Guest over 1 year ago in Learning 1 Future consideration

Allow a cut off registration timeline

Is it possible to have a setting to allow a certain number of days before an event and no longer allow registration?
Lauren Hamory over 1 year ago in Learning 0 Future consideration

Re-register for training

Re-register for training
Guest almost 5 years ago in Learning 2 Future consideration

Learning - Learning Activity Completion Flexibility

Overall, need increased flexibility to control how the activity is 'completed'. Allow the content owner to define what they want. Examples: - Ability to have automatic marking of attendance on any SCORM that has an event booking schedule. Mark att...
Emily Hilgendorf about 4 years ago in Learning 0 New idea

Learning - Supervisors would like to view their employee due dates at a glance

Supervisors want to see if someone is out of compliance without running a report on their employees (specifically mandatory activities).Something on their dashboard showing an employee is overdue, or simply adding due dates to activities shown on ...
Emily Hilgendorf about 4 years ago in Learning 1 New idea

Learning - Remove due dates and mandatory from employee trainings once they have left their position with role-based training

Would like it to remove the due dates and mandatory requirements if no longer in the position with role-based learning.
Emily Hilgendorf about 4 years ago in Learning 0 Future consideration

Learning Importer - Allow importing of scores with learning importer

Allow super users to add SCORM scores through the learning importer, so that we can keep our records accurate.
Emily Hilgendorf about 4 years ago in Learning 0 Future consideration

need more options for assigning learning to groups of employees

Please add an 'OR' function when selecting groups in addition to the 'AND' function currently available which is not useful, as employees are not usually in more than one internal group. This will allow quick assignation to multiple internal group...
Stuart Strickland about 4 years ago in Learning 0 Future consideration

On a learning activity title card, please show if the activity is restricted, administrator managed, or has an approval process.

On a learning activity title card, please show if the activity is restricted, administrator managed, or has an approval process.
Guest almost 5 years ago in Learning 1 Low community interest

Learning importer - add field 'Send notification' Yes/No

Learning importer - add field 'Send notification' Yes/No
Guest almost 5 years ago in Learning 1 Future consideration