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Community Feedback

We love to hear your feedback. Your suggestions and ideas are important to us. Our feedback forum is a great place to post your ideas and vote on others. Please share your detailed use case and how the proposed enhancements can increase value to your business. We do read all of your posts, but may not be able to respond to all comments.

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FEATURED Sourcing - block ability to source if job is non current (Closed/Cancelled)
Prevent sourcing to added to a closed/cancelled job. provide a prompt for the user to reopen the job / remove date filled
FEATURED Convo - add to Offer Card
Add Convo to the Offer card like it has been done for the Job Card


Showing 1530 of 1835

Add list of TEAMS to employee search filter

To be able to select each team individually just like you would if they were under the role tab.
Guest over 4 years ago in Recruitment 1 Low community interest

More pay scale fields to allow configuration for complicated salary schedule

Use a key Payscale ID to tie together multiple fields that would allow the system to record the min, middle and max salary point for each classification, by pay grade and by pay step.
Xiaodong Zhu over 4 years ago in Recruitment 0 Low community interest

Job Template Page - Team Selection Look up Improvement

Job Template Page - Team Selection Look up Improvement
Tammy Dietzel over 4 years ago in Recruitment 0 Low community interest

PD Number Search Field Mismatch with PD Number Descriptor Field

Make the PD number search field match PD number display field.
Tammy Dietzel over 4 years ago in Recruitment 0 Low community interest

Expansion of the "Task Description" field.

I think it would be highly beneficial to have the "Task Description" Field expanded or expandable if possible. I understand that it is currently not able to be configured however it would make a world of difference if it was. I personally use this...
Guest over 4 years ago in Recruitment 1 Low community interest

Group the onboarding checklist activites and have a tick box and date under each group rather then ticking off each individual item

Group the onboarding checklist activites and have a tick box and date under each group rather then ticking off each individual item. Feedback is that it is cumbersome and time consuming to go into each item to tick and add a date.
Guest over 4 years ago in Recruitment 0 Low community interest

Bounce Flags - Clear automatically if emails succeed

If applicant emails flow again - automatically remove the Bounce flag from the account. alternatively - provide an easy way to identify applicants with Bounce flag set (talent search??) and easy clear flag button once the account has been reviewed...
Mark Evans over 4 years ago in Recruitment 1 Low community interest

Update applicant email address - By User

I would like to have the option of sending an account update message currently I correct email accounts then have to use a message template to advise the applicant of the update of the email address so they now the account to log in with Please ma...
Mark Evans over 4 years ago in Recruitment 0 Low community interest

Hiring Manager Shortlist - Hiring Manager Bulk Complie

Hiring Manager can bulk compile & print all applications within Hiring Manager Shortlist view. Not View and Print Application individually.
Guest over 4 years ago in Recruitment 0 Current direction

Re-order Business Unit

It would be helpful if the business units can be sorted alphabetically too, similar to Sub Areas and the first level of Organisational Hierarchy, for a better user experience when raising the job requisition.
Guest over 4 years ago in Recruitment 0 Low community interest