Additional form triggered from an automatic status change
It would be helpful to allow ''additional forms'' to be triggered from an automatic status change. We require applicants to complete a form on completion of another form. This would be helpful if this could be done by an automatic status change.
Restrict/ lock approval workflow
Without this, although a selected workflow of Approvers is selected, Managers can go in and still change the approvers to whoever they want, bypass process and procedure. This means, without manual double checking, there is risks that will fall be...
View of Open jobs to display how long the jobs been open for
Have numbers of day open in the view of current jobs.
Send Onboarding Reminder Emails to the Position Line Manager
Customizing the ONBOARDING - Hiring Manager step reminder to be able to direct the reminders to the 'Reports To' person in the offer card. Given the onboarding workflow tasks are assigned to the "reports To" from the offer card, it is logical that...
Quality of Hire Survey
PageUp system sends out an automated Survey to Hiring Managers regarding recent hires. Would be great to be able to customise this email.