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Status New idea
Categories Recruitment
Created by Kathryn McNamara
Created on Mar 10, 2022

Enhancement to Bulk Communicate functionality: Add additional users

Replicate the communication options that are on the change status communication screen onto the bulk communicate communications screen. (see screen shots.)

What is the business process you are trying to achieve?

When the recruiter is sending a bulk communication to a set of candidates, there is often the need to communicate to various users from the job at the same time, perhaps to tell them that the communication has been sent out. For example, maybe the recruiter is notifying 15 candidates that we will begin screening during the week after next. If this were going out in an email, the manager would be cc'd on this email. If this communication was associated with an applicant status change, the recruiter would have the opportunity to add additional users to the communication. However, in the bulk communicate world, this "cc" or additional users option is not there.

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