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Status New idea
Categories Recruitment
Created by Jennifer Benson
Created on Feb 15, 2022

Schedule Report - add PNG

It would be nice and timesaving for me to be able to schedule a report to use the .png format. I love that we have the option to see it in the report but senior leadership prefer to see a graph or pie chart to gain a high level look at an area. Right now I have a separate report for 12 leaders that I have to pull, download, and then email to leadership.

What is the business process you are trying to achieve?

Lean clock hours spent creating reports and images that could be scheduled.

  • Attach files
  • Mark Evans
    Feb 15, 2022

    add a reporting template - works a treat

    raw data from PageUp on one tab - second (or more) tabs use graphs and counts etc to translate the file into a format the managers can interpret visually