We love to hear your feedback. Your suggestions and ideas are important to us. Our feedback forum is a great place to post your ideas and vote on others. Please share your detailed use case and how the proposed enhancements can increase value to your business. We do read all of your posts, but may not be able to respond to all comments.
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Thank you for your patience. This has been resolved with the deployment of this change.
You can find more details here: [Delete applicant documents - Deployed to Live 2 Aug 2023](https://knowledgeportal.pageuppeople.com/hc/en-gb/articles/20540179540633-Delete-applicant-documents-Deployed-to-Live-2-Aug-2023).
Great idea! Given the sensitivity of some uploaded documents, such as working rights, would be good for users to have the ability to delete the document after it has been sighted.
Yes totally agree. If this is was something available for a Super User to add to some permissions it would be so helpful. Especially with looking to reduce your digital data within systems.