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Community Feedback

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Status Low Community Interest
Categories Recruitment
Created by Kathy Musselman
Created on May 24, 2021

Enhanced Reporting

Legacy reporting currently provides the option of having a report show up on the Job Card. When it runs from the job card, it runs based on the posting. Would like this same functionality for enhanced reporting.

What is the business process you are trying to achieve?

Run reports for a posting

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  • Cristina Figueroa de Enriquez
    Jul 25, 2022

    While an enhanced report can now be configured to be a job card report, current functionality will require the report to be shared with specific users or entire permission groups, and for the users/permission groups to have the enhanced reporting permission enabled.

    This is not ideal when trying to make the ER job card report accessible to anyone who already has access to the job card, since the users and permission groups would vary case by case (or job by job). Is there any plans to expand the way an ER can be permission out? I.e. by job card users only, org hierarchy, etc.

  • Admin
    Justin Leppan
    Aug 25, 2021

    We have just recently deployed this functionality in Enhanced Reporting, very similar to Legacy Reporting.

    Anyone with edit access to a report can configure it to be launchable from the Job Card (via the Configure dialog), and it will appear in the Reports section of a Job Card.