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Status New idea
Categories Recruitment
Created by Tammy Dietzel
Created on May 11, 2021

Work Compliance API - Tracker I9 Integration

We would like to request for an additional field in the work compliance API, specifically for Tracker I9 integration. We would like for the expected end date of appointment (from the pageup offer card) to be included in the integration if possible. There are specific document retention policies/federal and state laws we would like to be able to follow and as it is all our new hires integrate over to TrackerI9 without an expected end date even if the appointment is temporary.

What is the business process you are trying to achieve?

We would like to request for an additional field in the work compliance API, specifically for Tracker I9 integration. We would like for the expected end date of appointment (from the pageup offer card) to be included in the integration if possible. There are specific document retention policies/federal and state laws we would like to be able to follow and as it is all our new hires integrate over to TrackerI9 without an expected end date even if the appointment is temporary.

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  • Tammy Dietzel
    Sep 7, 2021

    Adding to this rather than creating a new one. We would like a field to integrate from PageUp to Tracker I9 so we could differentiate the different employee types that are going to tracker i9. Campuses that are larger/more decentralized have multiple offices or different employees processing different types of new hires. Pulling over either the department (hierarchy level 4), or the requestor, or the collective bargaining unit of the position, or some sort of identifier so we can sort the I9s once they get into tracker would help us immensely.

    A field that will help us differentiate between the types of new hires in Tracker I9.