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Status Low Community Interest
Categories Recruitment
Created by Guest
Created on Oct 18, 2020

Hiring Manager Dashboard - Accessibility to locate Bulk Exports

Unfortutenly the Hiring Manager Dashboard doesn't have the accessibility to locate Bulk Exports. The bulk export files result in tasks appearing on the Recruiter Dashboard only.

Our suggestion to PageUp is that Hiring Managers shouldn't have access to action functions (e.g. Bulk Export) if they can’t actually be used. Perhaps it could be something that can be permitted to their accessibility or revoked completely as we notice that it's frustrating for them and it makes it really hard to train people on the system.

What is the business process you are trying to achieve?

Allowing Hiring Managers to obtain accessibility to locate Bulk Exports

  • Attach files
  • Guest
    May 5, 2021

    This is something that I would like to be added for Hiring Managers. Why cant they have a title on their dashboard for tasks? For our very large business this would be very beneficial.

  • Mark Evans
    Oct 19, 2020

    take it out of their permissions

    I have stripped it back for basic users and only provided the other actions to people with the recruiter dashboard