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Status Low Community Interest
Categories Recruitment
Created by Mark Evans
Created on Aug 12, 2020

Date field Validation - warn if bad date used

if date is bad - warn the applicant

or - use a different date picker that shows year then month then only allowed days of the month

like the Event date selector in interviews

What is the business process you are trying to achieve?

Prevent bad dates being entered in error e.g. platform allows you to enter 31 June 2021

problem is - only 30 days in June

you can enter the date but it will not save the bad date

if the field is mandatory the applicant can't complete the application form

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  • Guest
    Aug 13, 2020

    Also agree. Over the last 3 months, we have had at least 60 new hires enter their DOB correctly, with most entering the birth year as the current year or even a future year! We do not have the option to remove the DOB from the new starter form. We need validation on the date and DOB fields.

  • Ashley Pettit
    Aug 13, 2020

    I'd like this Mark.

    We had to remove Date of Birth from the New-starter form as candidates were entering their own date of birth incorrectly far too frequently.

    Seems odd to not be able to enter your own date of birth yet it would be great for validation such as DOB > 5 years old.

    The current regex on New Starter Forms is a fantastic start to validation. A limitation is regex doesn't support variables (E.g. Date).