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Status Low Community Interest
Categories Recruitment
Created by Robert Winnett
Created on May 12, 2020

Reference Module Updates Reporting/Conditional questions

It would be great if PageUp would included a 'Archived' field to the standard data view for all clients. If we receive a reference outside of the system we archive this in the reference module but we have no way from the current dataview to be able to see which requests have been archived or be able to report on this. It would also be a benefit for conditional questions in the reference form builder. Example:- We could ask 'Do you have a standard reference you wish to upload' If they say 'Yes' then all other questions would be hidden. This would improve responses via the module.

What is the business process you are trying to achieve?

We are trying to gather accurate report on references and show trends in the different sectors but a lot of companies still supply a standard reference in a PDF/Word Document via email or via post. Although there is an upload option as there are no conditional questions available in the reference form builder they need to complete the entire form to upload.

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