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Status Low Community Interest
Categories Recruitment
Created by Ashley Pettit
Created on May 7, 2020

Onboarding - Reduce 'delinking'

The new design released early 2020 has no way to enter an employee number for a past employee who was not hired via PageUp. If the user cannot enter the past employee number this will result in a duplicate PageUp account and for clients with a two way integration will result in a delink and the applicant will see "You do not have permission to access the onboarding portal".

Please consider how linking accounts could be improved keeping in mind potential integrations with HRISs. Being able to select any employee number would greatly improve the onboarding module and reduce support cases.

What is the business process you are trying to achieve?

To stop onboarding delinking and duplicate PageUp accounts.

Preventing the applicant from seeing "You do not have permission to access the onboarding portal" or alternatively seeing no link to the onboarding portal.

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