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Supervisor access/control for hires into their group

I am a division chief in SEAL. My Assoc Div Chief is often the person listed as the "Hiring Manager" for hires into our division. Unfortunately, if he's out of town on travel (like right now, he's on international travel without any access to GTRI IT), I cannot view or take action on hiring actions we have in play. So we have a hiring action that is hanging fire because he's out of town.

I believe that GTRI managers up the chain of command from a given "hiring manager" should have full access and control authority for people being hired into their group.

Please make this change to PageUp.

What business value are you trying to achieve?

Grant supervisors, up the chain from the Hiring Manager, full access to all hiring actions for people being hired into their group.

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    • Admin
      John Lorenzo
      May 18, 2023

      Hi there - thank you for your submission. There are a couple of options for achieving a similar outcome within PageUp; please consult with your CSM to be advised properly.