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Status Future consideration
Categories Recruitment
Created by Cristina Figueroa de Enriquez
Created on Jul 25, 2022

Enhanced Reporting - Report Sharing - Job Card Reports

Expand the way an ER report can be shared to allow for more flexibility, especially for multi-campus organizations that may have different practices. Ideally, this would include the ability to share an ER job card report with users who already have access to the job card, or based on the org hierarchy.

What business value are you trying to achieve?

Enhanced Reporting - Report Sharing - Job Card Reports

While an enhanced report can now be configured to be a job card report, current functionality will require the report to be shared with specific users or entire permission groups, and for the users/permission groups to have the enhanced reporting permission enabled.

This is not ideal when trying to make the ER job card report accessible to anyone who already has access to the job card, since the users and permission groups would vary case by case (or job by job). Are there any plans to expand the way an ER report can be permission out? I.e. by job card users only, org hierarchy, etc. Having more option would allow us to manage report sharing in a much more efficient way among the 24 different campuses within our organization.

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  • Margie Coolidge
    Mar 2, 2023

    Adding a note that Cristina’s comment should also apply to any report in enhanced reporting in addition to a job card report. We are finding that we are creating reports that may already exist on our campus because we are not aware that it already exists.

  • Cristina Figueroa de Enriquez
    Nov 10, 2022

    A need that comes up frequently as well is the ability to share the job card report in ER based on certain conditions being met. For example, share report if user has permission group is XYZ and campus/primary team/email domain contains ABC.