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Community Feedback

We love to hear your feedback. Your suggestions and ideas are important to us. Our feedback forum is a great place to post your ideas and vote on others. Please share your detailed use case and how the proposed enhancements can increase value to your business. We do read all of your posts, but may not be able to respond to all comments.

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Showing 598


Currently on the bottom of an application form is "continue" or "save and exit". We need a "save" button on its own without "exit" and applicants are concerned that they spend time on completing the form but wish to "save" as they go, without exit...
Guest over 3 years ago in Recruitment 0 Low community interest

Workbench Management

Suggestion would be to add a column in the dashboard view that is a check box which the user can select once an applicants has been reviewed and actioned, for example, moved to a live job, or to a talent pool. Once you have a few pages, it is hard...
Carolyn Bryant over 3 years ago in Recruitment 0 Low community interest

Confirmation email when req is submitted

There is an email sent when we approve a requisition and in it we reference that we will be in touch in 3 to 5 business days. Rather than at the approved phase, I’d like hiring managers/submitters to receive that 3 to 5 days note when they actuall...
Guest over 2 years ago in Recruitment 0 Low community interest

Export Generic Lists to excel

Export Generic lists to CSV
Dale Casement over 2 years ago in Recruitment 0 Low community interest

Keep list view for superuser

The card view is helpful for hiring managers that are not working with multiple positions. The list view is helpful from an HR/Superuser perspective, as it is a quick view of the sourcing, when an applicant applied. Flags are shown without having ...
Guest over 2 years ago in Recruitment 0 Low community interest

Standard Dashboards - default the dashboard to certain filters on fields based on user logged in

It would be a great feature if you could customise the dashboards to default the dashboard when opening to certain fields when a certain user is logged in (e.g. a HR Business Partner user for the portfolio they look after).I have been advised by t...
Paige Folland over 3 years ago in Recruitment 0 Low community interest

Read Only Sourcing Tab

I would like to see an option where you can permission a group of users to source their positions but have a read-only view of the posting text. We would also like to retain that other permission groups could source and edit the posting language w...
Guest over 2 years ago in Recruitment 1 Low community interest

Incomplete applications - deletions

Currently Incompletes are deleted automatically based on business rules one the recruitment process triggering reminders there are applicants who never get a reminder e.g. start within 2 days of the job sourcing closing recommend having an extra r...
Mark Evans over 3 years ago in Recruitment 1 Low community interest

Manage Applications - Reference check status - Status Pick List

Increase pick list for search - current option includes Reference check status - "at least one reference check completed" Please add ""at least two reference checks completed" to the pick list
Mark Evans about 1 year ago in Recruitment 0 Low community interest

Add running character count for open ended application questions

Include a running character count to open ended application text boxes. We received feedback from applicants with the most recent from September 2023 "The Additional Information text block seems to have a character limit. When I reviewed the appli...
Ponnette Smith about 1 year ago in Recruitment 0 Low community interest