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Community Feedback

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Status Low Community Interest
Categories Recruitment
Created by Guest
Created on Nov 15, 2021

Do Not Reset Duplicate Flag After Removal

If a duplicate flag has been removed between two applicants, do not add the duplicate flag to the records when one of the applicants submits an application. This causes unnecessary review of duplicates when it has already been determined that the applicant accounts are not duplicates and the flag has been removed.

What is the business process you are trying to achieve?
  • Consolidate duplicate applicant accounts where necessary.

  • Identify applicants who have been restricted from employment with a duplicate applicant account.

  • Remove applicant link when duplicate flag is not correct.

  • Attach files
  • Mark Evans
    Nov 16, 2021

    correct - if it has been determined the applicants are not the same - do not attempt to relink

    This is an edge case though - very rare you will get that occurring