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Status Future consideration
Categories Recruitment
Created by Cristina Figueroa de Enriquez
Created on Sep 21, 2021

Unlink the "View other users application" permission to applicant card Note items under History

It would be useful if the View other users applications permission could not impact the applicant card's Note items under the History tab, specifically for recruitments and applications the user should have access to view based on other permissions (team, etc.). There does not seem to be a clear relationship between the permission and the impact to applicant Notes, and yet the permission impacts that section.

What is the business process you are trying to achieve?

We wanted to limit users access to other campuses jobs by using the View other users applications. This, however, had an adverse impact to the applicant history. PU confirmed that without the View other users application permission, users will only be able to see note items, including application status update notes, on the applicant card's history that belong to them. This applies even if they have the ability to view the application itself. This does not apply to other history items, such as Communications.

There is no ability to grant users access to notes left by other users without also granting them this permission.

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  • Dale Casement
    Feb 23, 2023

    It seems counter-intuitive that an applicant tracking system cannot allow you to read notes against an applicant.

    We need to hide one set of applicants from the recruiter team, but if we do this they can't see each others notes, including Do Not Hire flag notes, which is pretty essential.