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Status Low Community Interest
Categories Recruitment
Created by Mark Evans
Created on Aug 12, 2021

Application form - Preview - provide preview on all form types

Provide Preview for all form types

What is the business process you are trying to achieve?

Make it easier to view all forms without having to open them and navigate to every page

consistency of form type behaviour

  • Attach files
  • Mark Evans
    Jun 27, 2024

    @Sean- if you are using an application form with reporting codes - consider building a report and having it tied to Job

    that way you can make all application answers available in an excel file or View in HTML at the top of each job

    another option - Bulk Export

  • Sean Chiang
    Jun 27, 2024

    Another existing client has also asked for this, they would like to be able to view the applicant's answers to application form questions quickly without needing to view the entire form itself.

  • Mark Evans
    Aug 12, 2021

    My apologies - I meant Form Preview - not Application form - Preview

    the application form preview is great