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Status Low Community Interest
Categories Recruitment
Created by Guest
Created on May 3, 2021

Expand Titles Dropdown in Employee Profile

The employee profile currently includes the option Miss, Ms, Mrs, and Mr. Can this please be expanded to also include Dr and Mx?

What is the business process you are trying to achieve?


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  • Guest
    Jun 15, 2021

    Thanks for sharing that, Mark. While the applicant profile titles are amendable, the employee profile titles actually are not. The only options available in the employee profile are Mr, Ms, Mrs, and Miss, which leaves non-binary folks without an appropriate option.

  • Mark Evans
    May 4, 2021

    Hmm sTitle on the applicant profile

    refer System settings "User displayed fields" - looks like it can be added - ask your CSM to help you add it and place it in the most appropriate position in User profile

    System setting "User required fields" to make fields mandatory. recommend adding field and making it mandatory if required after a transition period

    Control of pick list - looks like "Applicant Titles" - again - check with your CSM

    currently using Mr, Ms, Mrs, Dr, Professor & A/Professor myself