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Community Feedback

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Status Low Community Interest
Categories Recruitment
Created by Guest
Created on Jan 14, 2021

Employment Status in the "i" function

The idea is to add the Employment Status to the "i" function box next to the job No and Type. Employment Status of Casual, Part-Time or Full-time. At preset we have to click back into the job requisition form to see the role requirement. On our dashboard if we have new applicants we click the new applicants button which skips the requisition form section and directs us to the listed applicants in the 'New' status. If we are able to click the little blue 'I' next to the job name it would allow us to see the employment status to give us a quick reminder of the role employment type.

What is the business process you are trying to achieve?

As we have high volume roles open anywhere from 70+ roles at any given time the below idea would help cut out a process.

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  • Mark Evans
    Jan 14, 2021

    the ability to update at Client level displayed fields would be very useful