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Status Low Community Interest
Categories Recruitment
Created by Guest
Created on Oct 20, 2020

Super User access to review who submitted a Reference Check

Provide Super Users access to have the security to review who submitted the reference request. Currently, only the PageUp Technical Team has access to review this data.

What is the business process you are trying to achieve?

Departments have multiple managers or coordinators responsible for submitting references. We had an issue with a reference request submitted but could not identify who submitted the reference request.

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  • Tammy Dietzel
    Oct 31, 2020

    We are about to go live with this integration so haven't set come across this issue. However, I anticipate we will. We have the same business practice with multiple decentralized users who could submit the background check initiation. I imagine it will be cumbersome to have to reach out to PageUp whenever this happens. I would like to request that this access be permissionable. We have Super Users who will need this access and a high level decentralized access called the Campus Configuration Administrator and Lead Recruiter that would also need this access to assist their individual campuses.