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Status Under review
Categories Learning
Created by Sarah Dreier
Created on Nov 8, 2022

Learning - Due Dates if Renewed Before Expired

Fix the due dates issues on the development plan for the end user, especially around renewals. If the end user takes the course before the other one expires, the due date should be from the day the end user initiates, not ages in the past.

Due dates should not be transferred over to the completed tab in the development plan accordion lines - it should be when the course expires or none at all.

What business value are you trying to achieve?

For role-based assigned learning, the due dates are automatically calculated. However, if an expiry email goes out ahead of time, and the individual begins their course again, the due dates that are assigned are in the past - ones for that year. It makes no sense that the due date is way in the past - no emails can be sent as a reminder.

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